19 | A Journey of Confidence
Episode 019
By Ruth Montgomery
Duration: 01:00:47
Joining me this week is Erika Eileen, a sex and confidence coach. We talk about the life-long journey and the many layers of gaining confidence, from setting boundaries and the fear of missing out (FOMO), to honouring your goals and the ability to make decisions for yourself. We talk about allowing your identity to grow with you and the impact that listening to other people's lived experiences can have.
Erika shares her story of becoming a confidence coach, including her journey with being diagnosed at the age of 7 with Type 1 Diabetes, being a dancer at a young age, traveling abroad, and how a gender equality course in University pivoted her professional career.
This episode has something for everyone - and reminders we all need to hear!
Trigger Warning: Disordered Eating
Find and Follow Erika:
Instagram: @erikasconfidenceco
Tik Tok: @erikasconfidenceco
Website: https://erikasconfidence.co/