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Episode 035
By Ruth Montgomery
A Year In Review Part 1
What a year this has been! It's time for new conversations, and it feels important to share with you some of my biggest shifts and lessons from this past year. Join me as I reflect on this past year:
Selling my home and stepping out of my cocoon
Backpacking through Europe when the world told me I "shouldn't" for three months
The lessons I found in traveling Portugal, Italy, Spain - worth the listen just for these! From human connection & like minded people, doorways, tiles, a Reiki session in Italy, The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Writing my book (letting it come through me) in Italy with Astrocartography
Being in flow and giving myself the flexibility to go where I needed to go
Visiting Scotland & England (and the heart chakra of the world)
Winter Reflection in Canada
My forced pause (with a broken shoulder requiring rotator cuff surgery) & surrendering to the lesson
Asking what am I supposed to learn from this?
Thank you for listening, for joining me on this journey. I am so grateful for each and every one of you that take time to listen to this! xo Ruth